Wednesday, October 25, 2017

We are social antisocial

I know people talk about this all day and people ask you this questions all the time. But I think it is because we don’t ask this questions often enough. So place your hand on a hart and keep reading when you are already here.

How much time do we honestly spend on social media every day?

Do we have to spend that much time there?

I can just say from my own experience. I see myself being very addicted to social media, that’s why I have one day in a week without it (or at least I try). It is very hard because I see myself just holding my phone and pressing the icon Facebook, 9 Gag or Instagram. Just because I am bored. It is so automatic thing now. Before going to bed sometimes I read and sometimes I am just scrolling through Instagram. How healthy it is and how much doctors will send me emails and tell me I have a problem is a good question. But do I want to change anything?

Do I want to stop being in daily contact with my friends from the country I am originally from or from the friends I met during my travels. (I know you people we can write letter…whatevs).

Don’t I want to see how my friends are getting married and having babies? (Yeah maybe I don’t, but it’s there so I look at it and wish them well because that’s what kind people do, right?)

Is it OK to put your phone on a table when you are having dinner with someone?

Is it polite to answer on text while you are at the table with someone (if it is not necessary and it can wait for next 30 minutes)?

Now, when we are waiting at the doctor’s office or waiting for kids to come out of their after-school activities we are on our phones. We don’t talk to each other almost at all. It is scary.

I have very good friend (Naty), and she texted me this morning how our common friend (Ronald) asked why she liked one picture. It was profile picture of a person which Naty doesn’t t have very good relationship with and apparently it bothered Ronald. Yes the question is why is Ronald being nosy and why does he care about it. But for real what my question is not to Ronald but to all other people out there why do we care about other people liking stuff, why do we even see it?
Because nothing on internet is private anymore. You can hide most of the stuff, you can make sure you put approval on everything someone else tag you, but it will still be there. Hundreds of people see it and other hundreds make screenshots of it.

Is it safe? No. Very easy answer, but we like it. We live with it and we are nosy. We always look at other people without facebook like on strangers. What do they communicate through? How they know all the news? They know it from us who use social media or from other portals. I know most of my news from 9GAG and memes on internet (don’t judge me, everyone knows those information are so relevant).

So I just have a little advice to have open minds on Social Medias. Don’t put your nose to other people’s business and if you already do, just be quiet about it and consider it as your little guilty pleasure to stalk at people. From the other side of view, just don’t put there anything you would consider not OK in few years. Or few hours. Because people will stalk you.

Second advice would be: turn of sometimes. But for real. Not just Facebook and Instagram. From phone. It can be just half a day on beginning but then it can be day or three. I am talking like to drug addicts. (Disclaimer!!!!Declaimer: of course if you can, if it doesn’t put you, your family, your work or your health in danger. I know people who use their phones for healthy issues)

It is very nice feeling to be with your friends without your phone. On the end of the day it doesn’t matter how many people are following you and how many likes you got on your picture. It really shouldn’t be the reason why would you feel better or worse about yourself. What matters is, if the people are going to be there for you. And if you are going to be there for your “friends” when they will need help. It’s not the innocent like anymore. You or they will actually have to lift there bums from the couch put the phone away and carry the fridge on a second floor, because sometimes we can’t do things alone. Unless you are Chuck Norris. In that case. Hi Chuck welcome on the end of this amazing article. J

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Lets have a better day today ♥

I decided to start writing while I was painting my nails and watching YouTube videos. Because I felt like friend stood me out for a day today. I felt like I was less important for that friend even I know I am very big part of my friend´s life.

What happened? I wanted to go for a lunch to this restaurant since like 3 days ago and my friend knew about it. Let’s call this friend Kim. Kim knew how badly I wanted it. But when I woke up today with a great mood and very happy to go for a lunch with Kim she said she can’t because she is already booked for today. (btw I love Kim and she knows it I just felt hurt). I felt really sad about it. I felt like „damn it Kim! You knew I wanted to go there! “. Then I watched this video and I found out something. I wasn’t sad anymore. I wasn’t upset anymore. I had very pretty nails because I just painted them and I have a whole day for myself.

This day I did a good amount of yoga when I woke up. I had great coffee and even better breakfast with great and loving people around me. Why should I be upset? It’s up to me how I feel. If I will be complaining about it and focus on the single bad moment happened in my day (besides getting nail polish all over my fingers) I wouldn’t make this a happy day. So right after I finished paining my nails I stood up and sit at my computer to write it down.

It is all my decision how I feel. Not long ago my friend told me „our decisions...that’s certainty we have” so I decided. It is to have a good day and complain much less. Because why should I? Do I want to make myself more miserable that the situation made me? Do I want to get into grief and feel bad and sad and smile less? Or do I want to have better days? See the rainy day as an opportunity to read and write inside. To get cozy under blankets and drink tea next to the fire. I know you might be thinking what a selfish friend I am that I got upset when someone made plans without me. That is not the point reader.

The point is…..

We all know that the only way to get out of feeling sad and angry is STOP FEELING SAD AND ANGRY. Maybe you say „but what if I stop being sad when someone makes me laugh“. Well here you have it. It is all you who is laughing it is your decision to find it funny and make that little exercise with your mouth. „But what If I am not angry only if the other person say sorry”.  Hmmm really? Do I have to say it? It is all your will to forgive them. No-one else will change your emotions, no one else will make you feel less sad and angry. It is all you. Your attitude towards live.

So let’s all have better days from now on. There is enough sadness in life. Bring the light to your day sweetheart. ♥ 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Love and light

Today was another day when I sat down and got lost in a meditation.

I don't know if lost is the right word for it. I am surely not getting lost but more aware of everything what is going on around me, inside me and what I feel around me and inside me. I love those moments when I can finally be focus for longer than 10 seconds and really feel what it is like to be aware of feeling. It is really hard to explain what I am trying to say. so let me tell you an example.

When we were little kids and we hurt ourselves. Bruise our knee or elbow. If mom didn't come to kiss it and comfort us. We didn't even notice we have a "bobo". But she came. She pointed on the area and we instantly felt the pain. The pain was so bad that we cried and want to hug mom and get candy. It was so bad that we wanted to show it to everyone. How brave we are that we can handle all that pain. We put band aid on it to manifest the bravery. We did all this for something we would probably didn't notice if someone wouldn't point on it. And we look at it every second, we touch it, we don't forget about it for next few days.

That is exactly the same thing about feelings. Unless I point on my heart, on my inner self and go deep deep to it. To kiss it in my mind and hug it. I wouldn't notice so many things. I wouldn't notice those pleasant or the less pleasant feelings I have in me. Today I went and point on my heart. I touched it, hug it, and look at those bruises. Now I really want to show everyone and specially myself, to make myself notice how amazing and beautiful love and light is in there. It is amazing. Look at that band-aid, it has superheros on it. Its so big. That's how big those feelings are. How big the light can go. I would make a picture of it if I could and post it on Instagram with so many hashtags. To make the world see  how beautiful and how important the light is. I will most certainly look at it more often, touch it more often. To notice how important it is.

Did you feel it? Did you see the light and love I sent toward you? Touch it, and point on it. It is yours and you have the same inside you. ♥
lots of love

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Summer news

Hello babies! I got really nice feedback on my first English blog so I will keep them coming. Today I might not be super spiritual or giving you any wisdom. I just want to give you little update. Small piece of myself. Today you take anything you feel like taking from this blog. And it will be only yours.  

Right now I am in pre-vacation time. I exercise a lot, I don't think too much, read a lot too and I rest. All this before or after work. I am not complaining at all. It's new. But I like it.  
I eat really good food, even though I am always complaining how Americans don't have taste buds. I cook it myself. I got so much free time and opportunities to study whatever I like.  

I am not bragging here. Just want to let you know that I am in peace here. I have lots of love and hugs for sharing. This time of my life is so satisfying. I didn't have chance experience this chill life before. I was in constant movement. School, work, parties, lack of sleep and can soups in my dorm room. Sooo happy to be done with that type of life. But hey, I might miss some things for sure.  

I realized that I was always so focused on time. How I don't have it and why it passes so quickly. However I can't do anything about it. And look! I got as much time as I need. "I will think about it and will take a look at it later." Sometimes this sentence put aside many blogs, letters, not completed wishes. Of course it's important to look at things after a certain amount of time, or when we cool down. But we can't change anything what already happened. Even those feelings about it are not going to be the same. That blog won't have the same spirit as I did when I was writing it. And the letter? Won't be up to date anymore. So that's why I decided to write this now in car while I am waiting. Get my corrections done at home. And I am happy about it. Using my time wisely but not being to focus on it.  

We can't run away from time. We are swimming in it like fish in water. It's all around us. No way how to escape. Well, we know what happens when we escape time. The only way how to deal with it, its make a nice friendship with it. Do you have colorful planners, messy diaries or stamp notes everywhere? That's how you build your relationship with this amazing ocean of seconds and hours. Sun or moon. Both with unbelievable energy. Just take it! Use it!  

I mentioned that I am in pre-vacation time. And yes I am! For realz. I am finally having vacation (after a good amount of time). I will go on a beach with family I live with here in USA and spend some time with my handsome significant other too. Do you know how we met? We met on a cruise. Oh I love those memories. And we are going back on the ocean. Again! But together. I wished this would happen again one day and it's here. I am incredibly happy about it. (Maybe that's why I am in gym all the time. Getting the bikini body).  

So this would be a little update from states.I hope you enjoy reading my blogs. Let me know what you would like to know about me or what you would like to read. I will appreciate any feedback.  
Lots of love   
Laters babies ♥

Letné správy

Ahoj zlatíčka. Dnes sa vám hlásim taká svoja, obyčajná. Nechcem vám písať  žiadne múdrosti a prečítané zaujímavosti. Len krátky update.  
Čo si z môjho príspevku zoberiete to bude vaše.   

Nachádzam sa v čase preddovolenkovom. Veľa športujem, nepremýšľam, čítam, oddychujem. To všetko hneď potom, ako skončím, alebo pred tým, ako začnem pracovať. Nesťažujem si.  
Mám výbornú stravu (lebo sama varím, aj keď sa veľa sťažujem, že Američania nemajú vyvinuté chuťové kanáliky), mám veľa voľného času a príležitosti študovať a vzdelávať sa v takých odvetviach aké sa mne zaľúbia.  

Nechvastám sa. Len vám hovorím, že som spokojná. Mám lásky kopec a objatí na rozdávanie. Upokojujúce a veľmi nové obdobie, ktoré som pred tým nemala šancu skúsiť. Kolobeh, škola, práca, občas žúrky, málo spánku a wifonky na intrákovej izbe. Som veľmi rada, že mam za tým. Ale musím sa priznať sú veci ktoré mi budú chýbať.  

Zistila som, že som sa do teraz veľmi zameriavala na čas. Ako ho nemám a ako rýchlo beží. Ale veď to neovplyvním. A mám ho presne toľko koľko potrebujem. "Premyslím si to a neskôr sa na to pozriem znova". Niekedy táto fráza odložila na neskôr kopec článkov, kopec listov, a nesplnených prianí. Je dôležite sa na veci pozrieť s odstupom času, ale tie ktoré sa stali sa nezmenia. Ten pocit nebude rovnaký. Ten článok už nebude mať to čo som cítila keď som ho písala. Ani ten list už asi nebude aktuálny. A tak aj teraz píšem v aute kým čakám. A som spokojná. 

Veď sme v ňom ako rybky vo vode. Je všade naokolo a nedá sa mu ujsť. Treba sa s ním len skamošit. Také tie farebné pekné rozvrhy, chaotické diáre alebo lístočky nalepené ešte aj na čele. To je náš spôsob ako s ním komunikujeme s našim krásnym oceánom sekúnd a minút. Slniečko alebo mesiac. Oba nám dávajú veľké množstvo energie. Už len uchopiť a zúročiť.  

Hovorila som o preddovolenkovom (príliš dlhé slovo) období. Sama neverím, ale pomaly sa blíži ten deň. Ja idem na dovolenku a budem mat aj dovolenku s mojim drahým. Viete ako sme sa spoznali? Na lodi. A tam sa vraciame. Veľmi som si želala aby sme sa tam vrátili. Tak naozaj. Spoločne.  (Možno aj preto veľa športujem, postavička do plaviek je nevyhnutnosť).  

Takže takýto krátky zostrih som vám chcela podať. Dúfam sa Vám moje blogy dobre čítajú. Dajte mi vedieť ak by ste chceli vedieť niečo viac o mne, alebo čokoľvek čo by ste si tu radi prečítali. Každej odozve sa poteším.  Veľa lásky. ♥ 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

After long time (but first time in english)

Hello everyone!

So, since I have many foreign friends I decided to start translating my blogs in English and I will reach a bigger group of people this way. I am just starting my writing in English, so any possible mistakes are going to appear and that will just add the spice of my Slovak me in it. Enjoy. My blogs are not updated in a same time of a week, or in a month. I always write when I have the feeling that I got something to tell you. That I have a message that I want to pass to another person.

Right now I am part of 30 day challenge "how to be brave". How to live the life in present and how to be more brave in the time that is given to us. Not tomorrow, or yesterday, or far in future when we will be grown-ups. Now. We hear about it from every direction. You can read it on the internet or in books or someone told you. It's in every self-help book, which most of us just move aside to reach for something else. For me this book is something that helps me every day. I open it when I really need to read it. Many of you open Bible for this reason or novel just to get lost in a story. However we all open it in same moment. Right now.

This is not what I wanted to talk about today. What I wanted to share with you. The message I got. The message is that we don't give enough Forgiveness. To ourselves, to others. To people we know lifetime or to that douche which didn't stop at the stop sign, to our moms, fathers etc. When we don't give forgiveness it makes us sad. The truth about forgiveness which I believe in and which I read not long ago is that it is no reward that must be earned, forgiveness is a gift to be given. As Andy Andrews says in his book The traveler´s gift:"When I give forgiveness, I free my own spirit to release the anger and hatred harbored in my heart. By granting forgiveness, I free my spirit to pursue my future happily and unencumbered by the anchors of my past. And forgiveness, when granted to other, becomes a gift to myself". If I would discuss about forgiving myself for something. Do I really have to start with earning it somehow? I can easily just forgive myself and earn much more from that.

I want to tell you to be nice to yourself and to each other and share love around you as much as you can. In this hard time in our lives is the best we can do. I hope this will keep
you wonder.... ♥

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Po dlhej dobe

Už dlho som vám nenapísala ani slovko. Možno len krátky update na facebooku, aby ste mali aspoň predstavu o tom, že som stále živá a zdravá.

Cítila som sa troška previnilo, keď som si uvedomila prečo som vlastne ten blog založila. No aby ste o mne vedeli, aby ste vedeli čo sa mi honí hlavou, keď som ďaleko z domoviny. Ale nechcem sa cítiť previnilo. No nebolo o čom písať. Nepíšem preto, "lebo už bolo načase", ale píšem preto lebo mám niečo, čo by som vám chcela povedať a s čím sa stotožňujem posledné dni.

Som súčasťou 30 dňovej výzvy, ako byť troška viac odvážny a ako si vážiť momenty, ktoré máme v čase, ktorý prežívame práve teraz. Nie zajtra, nie včera, nie ďaleko v budúcnosti, keď budeme veľkí a bohatí. Ale dnes tu a teraz. Každý o tom hovorí. Počujete to s každej strany a z každej motivačnej knižky, ktorú viacerí z vás nechytia do ruky na viac ako sekundu, len ju presunú na druhú policu v kníhkupectve, aby videli tie ostatné knižky. Ja som jeden z fanúškov týchto kníh. Vždy sa mi podarí ju otvoriť v momente, v ktorom to potrebujem. Veľa z vás používa bibliu práve na tieto chvíle a iný zase romantickú knihu. Každý máme niečo. V čase keď tú knihu otvoríme, otvoríme ju TERAZ. Lebo chceme zmeniť náš postoj alebo chceme sa možno utvrdiť v tom čo sme si mysleli a možno sa len chceme stratiť v príbehu. Ale stále je to niečo, čo robíme v daný moment.
zdroj: girl on the move blog

Začala som zo široka, ale šak, veď presne tak aj rozprávam stále. Podstatnú vec ktorú som vám dnes chcela napísať je, že:

si málo odpúšťame. Sebe samím, navzájom, tým ktorých nepoznáme, tým ktorých poznáme celý život, tomu debilovi ktorý nezastal na stopke, mame, ocovi, bratovi a tak podobne. Neodpúšťame a potom sme veľmi smutný. Skutočnosť o odpustení máme viacerí z nás troška pomýlenú. Z môjho pohľadu odpustenie nie je niečo, čo si má ten druhý zaslúžiť, je to akoby dar ktorý chceme podarovať. Keď niekomu odpustím, tak seba uvoľním od akejsi ťažkej atmosféry, alebo ťaživého pocitu na srdiečku. Prečo by sme sa mali my zle cítiť pre niekoho druhého. Ak niekto žiada o odpustenie vás, je vždy len na vás ako sa rozhodnete. Je lepšie keď to necháme odísť a z toho daru ktorý sme dali druhej osobe sa stane dar pre nás lebo sa budeme cítiť šťastnejší a spokojnejší. A to nehovorím o odpustení samím sebe. Ak by sme si to mali zaslúžiť, tak by sme museli niečo sami pre seba spraviť. Prečo rovno nezačať s odpustením a ten druhý moment si môžeme užiť spokojný niekde na prechádzke. Možno píšem ako pastor alebo kňaz v kostole, možno ako stratený tulák vo svete. Ale pointu ktorú vám tým chcem povedať dostanete v každom prípade a to ma teší. A možno pár riadkov odo mňa rovnako poteší vás a nechá vás to troška v jemnej "rozmýšľajúcej" nálade.

Okrem toho bubáci. Mám sa tu dobre a som šťastná. ♥

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nie tak celkom novoročný

Ahojte všetci.
Ako veľmi ste radi že som sa vrátila na blog?
Boli to aspoň 4 mesiace, ktoré som nebola prítomná.

Moja momentálna situácia je, že sa nachádzam v USA a konečne mám opravený notebook, tak môžem písať od nevidím do nevidím. Veľa sa toho nezmenilo.
Možno len že:
- som slovenka žijúca v USA,
- jazdím po 6 a viac pruhových diaľniciach,
- ukončila som kurz anglickej gramatiky,
- som mala môj prvý deň vďakyvdzania,
- prvý krát som si rozbaľovala vianočné darčeky ráno 25. decembra,
- som mala prvý Silvester v USA.

Určite je toho minimálne raz toľko čo by som vám vedela napísať o novinkách, ale prejdem rovno k veci.
Slovensko mi neskutočne chýba a boli dni, kedy som bola naozaj smutná. Hlavne cez Vianoce a aj nový rok. Chodili mi novoročné priania o šesť hodín skorej ako som skutočne ten nový rok mala. Boli od ľudí s ktorými som strávila nejeden Silvester alebo od takých, s ktorými som strávila nejeden rok. Je to náročné nechať odísť také spomienky a zážitky a byť pozitívne naladený pri každej novej skúsenosti.
Naučila som sa, že treba niečo z košíka vyhodiť pred tým, ako tam dáme niečo nové, lebo sa nám to celé môže rozsypať, Preto sa snažím byť šťastná a otvorená novým veciam, ktoré prichádzajú a prijímať ich s úsmevom. Nie len rozprávať o živote, ktorý som mala na Slovensku. Ved v samej podstate tento je lepší. Lebo je tu a teraz. Lebo to čo je tu a teraz môžem zmeniť, môžem formovať, a môžem prežívať kopec nových vecí a učiť sa z nich.

A asi to je aj taká moja myšlienka v prvom blogu tohto roku. Prežívať veci tu a teraz. Keď niečo chcem zmeniť musím sa pre to rozhodnúť teraz a začať konať. Keď chcem niekomu povedať, že ho ľúbim alebo niekoho objať musím to urobiť teraz. Takže aj pre svoju budúcnosť som urobila pár rozhodnutí pred tým ako som začala písať tento článok. Nebudem písať predsa o niečom čomu sama neverím :P

Posielam vám veľa veľa lásky. :*
A teraz nádych výdych a konať.